Cumbria (Cumberland & Westmorland), Isle of Man & Lancashire

We do not yet have a local Natter in Cumbria or the Isle of Man  – (for Lancashire, there is a group in Liverpool) – however all in the geographical North West, affected by Neuroendocrine Cancer, are welcome to join the North of England Regional Natter : in this way maybe we can identify the best place to start a more local Natter or 2.

The North of England Natter is a Regional ONLINE Natter – it will remain online even after local Natters can restart face-to-face meetings. Due to COVID restrictions ALL Local Natters will continue on Zoom until further notice : we will review local arrangements for resuming face-to-face meetings as soon as venue governance allows.

All  North of England Regional ONLINE Natters meetings are held quarterly, via zoom, on the last Wednesday of the month (apart from December) between 18;30-20:00pm

2022  Natter Meetings :  23rd March / 22nd June / 28th September / 7th December

Contact NCUK Natters for further information.

You can SELF-REGISTER to join the North of England Regional Natter here 


Mar 23 2022


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm