**Online WebiNatter: Guest Speaker** hosted by North of England Regional Natter Group

The North of England Regional Natter Group is pleased to invite all to a special Webinar-Natter: 21st June 2023

A patient’s perspective on clinical trials and research : Kate Quirk

Many of you may know Kate. She is our Cancer Support Coordinator: providing peer support on our Helpline and co-facilitating many of our Natter groups . . . or you may have received information, support and advice from her, through our confidential Facebook Patient support groups. She also manages our #MedTwitter and LinkedIn social media accounts . . .and was also the lead patient contributor to the NCUK Lung Handbook
Kate is a member of our Patient Ambassador group, Research Advocate for INCA (International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance), and sits on the Trial Steering Committee for the NET-02 Clinical Trial: representing the patient voice. She is a firm believer that patients should have a seat at the table to be a true partner with healthcare professionals, sharing decisions about care. Her specialist area of interest is clinical research and development for all things Lung Neuroendocrine-related, including the mechanisms of accessing diagnostics and new drugs.

North of England Natter Group is online group covering: NORTH EAST : Durham, Northumberland and Tyne & Wear, + YORKSHIRE and HUMBERSIDE + NORTH WEST: Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Merseyside + the ISLE of MAN: this Webi-Natter is open to all

All  NoE Natters are held quarterly, on the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month (June & December = 3rd Wed / September = 4th Wed), starting at 6:30pm 

2023 dates are  June 21st / September 27th / December 20th

You will need to register for each meeting you would like to attend: for this meeting 21st June please SELF-REGISTER here

If you have any questions you would like to ask Kate – about patient involvement in trials and research – you can pre-submit them (to be answered on the day), here – or ask at the Q&A session which will follow her talk.

Contact NCUK Natters for further information about this and other Natter Support.



Jun 21 2023


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm