The South of England Online Regional Natter is delighted to host a Guest Speaker for November meeting: ALL are welcome
SOUTH WEST : Bristol, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Isles of Scilly, Somerset and Wiltshire
+ SOUTH EAST : Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and West Sussex
This is an online Natter group: Meetings are held every 3 months, on the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month, starting at 6:30pm (unless otherwise advertised)
We are delighted to welcome Guest Speaker Dr Christine May to this month’s meeting : Dr May has been a Consultant in Endocrinology and Acute General Medicine at Oxford University Hospital since 2018. She has a special interest in Neuroendocrine Cancers, Endocrine Genetics and Thyroid disease (benign and malignant). Dr May trained in the West Midlands deanery and worked as the a Fellow at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham with the specialist Neuroendocrine Cancer team there: she therefore has experience and expertise gained from working in two of the UK’s ENETS centres of excellence institutions. Outside of endocrinology Dr May is involved in Clinical Governance and the support and education of doctors in training. Her talk for this Natter will be focused on hormones: what they do and how they can behave in Neuroendocrine Cancers, and will be followed by a Q&A session. If you have any questions you would like to ask on this topic – you can send them to Nikie (by midday Tuesday 29th please) – or ask during the Q&A session.
PLEASE NOTE: Dr May will NOT be talking about diabetes – as Dr Alia Munir (Sheffield Centre of Excellence) is speaking on this topic at our virtual conference – Monday 27th November (video will be available after the event if you are unable to watch as scheduled) – details about the virtual conference can be found here
This Natter 29th November : will be the final 2023 meeting: 2024 dates TBC and will appear shortly on the Natter Calendar
You will need to register for each meeting you would like to join. For this Natter you can SELF-REGISTER here
Contact NCUK Natters for further information – and do check the rest of the Natter Calendar for any other meetings you might want to join