Newly diagnosed Neuroendrocrine Cancer patient packs now available

Jul 12, 2018

We are very pleased to be able to inform you that our pack for newly diagnosed Neuroendocrine Cancer patients is now available.

The patient packs have been created to ensure every new patient receives useful and straightforward information created just for them. The patient packs contain:

  • A USB wristband which includes informative videos and a comprehensive guide to life with a Neuroendocrine Cancer
  • Details on how NET Patient Foundation can support you in the community including;
    • Information on our local NET Natter support groups
    • Information on our Specialist NET Nurse Team
    • Information on how to contact NET Patient Foundation and access the NPF helpline 

Our patients packs are available for all newly diagnosed Neuroendocrine Cancer patients and to all hospital from across the UK to order. 

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