Thames Valley Cancer Alliance Patient & Public involvement

Feb 18, 2021

Thames Valley Cancer Alliance Patient & Public involvement

Thames Valley Cancer Alliance is working proactively to engage patients, families, and communities, including populations who may be disadvantaged, in planning and implementing new approaches to service delivery that are meaningful and more accessible.

The remit of the Thames Valley Cancer Alliance involves working across the whole pathway to improve outcomes for those within its population.

The Thames Valley Cancer Alliance includes the following Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs):

  • NHS Aylesbury Vale
  • NHS Bracknell and Ascot
  • NHS Chiltern
  • NHS Newbury and District
  • NHS North and West Reading
  • NHS Oxfordshire
  • NHS Slough
  • NHS South Reading
  • NHS Swindon
  • NHS Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead
  • NHS Wokingham

CCGs commission most of the hospital and community NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible. Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided.

If you would like to get involved – contact :

Lisa Cox – TVCA Patient Engagement & Patient Experience Lead

Tel: 07900 715074
