10th Annual INCA (International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance) Global Patient Advocate Summit

Sep 27, 2022

The NET patient community has finally met in-person after 3 years at the 10th Annual INCA (International #Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance) Global Patient Advocate Summit in Lisbon!

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK CEO, Cathy Bouvier is at the conference and will be bringing us daily updates –
“So lovely to be in Lisbon with the ever-growing membership – friends and colleagues from around the globe committed to driving change to improve the lives of those affected with neuroendocrine neoplasms.”
“Taking part in today’s session: ‘Improving access to optimal treatment & care – collaborating with our medical colleagues, choosing our champions & unifying our approaches’ – with thanks to Dermot O’Toole Prof of Gastroenterology & Clinical Medicine @tcddublin @TheChristieNHS
Thanks to Prof Mehmet Ungan @MehmetUngan, past WONCA President, outlining the challenges of NET detection in overwhelming primary care and insights into developing an adequate Think NENs E-learning Program for GPs.
Many thanks to @WONCAEurope and also @WONCAWorld

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK CEO Cathy Bouvier running the evidence-based advocacy session with Jan Geissler @jangeissler

Professor Eva Tiensuu Janson, Professor of Medicine, Uppsala University Hospital the current ENETS chair, talks to the INCA membership about the need to improve the understanding of neuroendocrine cancer and collaborative awareness pathways we should be taking.
It was a privilege to spend time face to face/and virtually with some remarkable people under the umbrella of the International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance Summit. Stories were shared, opportunities discussed and challenges debated, but the take home feeling was one of collaboration and a strong spirit – to be a global voice, working nationally to support anyone affected by Neuroendocrine Cancers and Genetic Neuroendocrine Tumours/Syndromes.