Supporting the

Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

CANCER 52 All Member Meeting 12th October 2022

Oct 12, 2022

CANCER52 All Member Meeting

Follow for coverage of the Day -12th Oct 2022

Cancer52 have launched their report – Taking Action on Inequalities in Rare and Less Common Cancers: Understanding the Issues – at their Annual All Stakeholder Event, which also focused on inequalities. As an organisation, Cancer52 believe all people with cancer must receive the best possible diagnosis, treatment and care, no matter who they are, where they live or the type of cancer that they have been diagnosed with.

Cancer52 worked with their members to look at what is currently known about the inequalities that exist for people with rare and less common cancers. The aim of the report is to act as a starting point to demonstrate where gaps lie, where evidence does exist and what can be done to address these problems.

You can read the report here – Cancer52 Understanding the Issues
  • Across all domains deprivation is the constant at the heart of inequalities in care – Dr Bola Owolabi,
    @BolaOwolabi8 Director for Health Inequalities Improvement at NHS England #core20plus5 Ref – See White et al (2022)



Personal stories that resonate across rare/less common cancers and disease #suspect2detect Thank you Yaser Martini (CEO/founder) Team Margot for sharing your daughter’s story – your family’s story. “NHS great when you’re in, but getting in that’s the problem”