Supporting the

Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Leicestershire & East Midlands Natter : Online Natter

Leicester Natters alternate monthly between Face-to-Face and Online

2023 Online Natter Meetings are held alternate months – on Wednesday evenings 6.30 – 8pm : our next online Leicester Natter is 9th August

To join this month’s Natter meeting: Wednesday 9th August : please register here

Please note – you will need to register for each Natter meeting you would like to attend.

2023 Face-to-Face Natter Meetings : will be held bimonthly on a Friday – 10am-12noon – our next meeting is Friday 1st September

Details regarding venue, date and time for all Face-to-Face Natters can be found on the Natter Calendar (Mar/May/Jul/Sept/Nov)

Contact Sophie for further information about the Face-to-Face Natters & contact Nikie for further information about online Natters




Aug 09 2023


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm