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Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Have your say – NCRI Research Priorities Survey

Apr 11, 2022

The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) is undergoing some redevelopment of its clinical studies groups and sub-groups. The aim seems to be to have a pipeline of fewer but more feasible and rapidly achievable clinical trials projects for each sub-group in the hope of being more successful in gaining funding and start up.

The neuroendocrine tumour sub-group forms part of the upper GI tumour clinical studies group ( which also includes gastro-oesophageal, pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancers).

The NCRI are very focused on studies that make big differences for patients and also those that are cross-cutting over different clinical areas showing collaboration between specialties. Neuroendocrine tumour medicine should certainly lend itself to that.

As part of the process from the NCRI they will be running a number of neuroendocrine clinical studies strategy sessions towards the end of June of this year to try and identify key research topics and themes with the best chance of funding, in the current difficult financial situation.

As a start to the process a survey will be open, from the 23rd March to 20th April which will be trying to get views from as many stakeholders as possible as to areas of clinical research and key themes that need to be explore or prioritised in future. The survey will be for the Upper GI clinical studies group and will have some general question areas as well as NET specific sections.