In Memory of Katharina Mellar

Oct 2, 2018

It is with a heavy heart that we have to annimage003ounce that Katharina Mellar, the long-standing and tireless chairwoman of the Netzwerk NeT, passed away on the 23rd of August 2018.

Her passing away is a great loss for all who knew her. Words fail us to describe it.

Katharina Mellar leaves a void in the Netzwerk,which cannot be filled.

She lived for the Netzwerk, was accessible at all times to answer questions from members, always friendly, helpful and competent. Her knowledge of neuroendocrine tumors was remarkable. Katharina joined countless congresses and impressed the audience with her personal story.

Katharina Mellar developped the Netzwerk with enormous commitment and energy – building it from a base of about 200 members at the beginning of her work up to 1200 members today. 

It was a fulltime job that Katharina Mellar did with a lot of oustanding commitment and love. Many patients are deeply grateful for her efforts. The gap she left behind can never be filled by anyone.

“In my life I have – next to my family – the Netzwerk NeT as a special vocation. If I am driven by a mission, I have to fulfil it” (words by Katharina Mellar). 

Her happy laughter, her many inspiring ideas, her loving friendship, her support and energy will always stay with us. Our hearts will be forever filled with gratitude for all that she has done for the NET community.