Incidence and survival of neuroendocrine neoplasia in England 1995–2018

Sep 28, 2022

NEW : Neuroendocrine Cancers – why data matters 

Incidence and Prevalence of Neuroendocrine Cancers in England 1995-2018.

This comprehensive whole population analysis of NEN is to our knowledge the largest in Europe to date.

Between 1995 and 2018, in England, the incidence of Neuroendocrine Cancers rose by 371% – in the same time period all-cancer incidence (excluding non-melanoma skin cell cancer) rose by only 116%.

A precise understanding of incidence and survival for NEN is crucial both to improve clinical outcomes and guide healthcare resource allocation.

Neuroendocrine Cancers (NENs) are under-recognised malignancies with an increasing health care burden.

According to our data, NEN is now the 10th most prevalent cancer in England, and the most prevalent GI malignancy after colorectal cancer.

Early diagnosis of NEN is related to reduced morbidity and mortality, however patients frequently experience misdiagnosis and significant delays to diagnosis.

We have demonstrated that the classification of NEN as either NET or a NEC, with appropriate staging, is very important, giving the clinician a better idea of prognosis

Rising incidence of NEN (Neuroendocrine Cancers), coupled with improved survival, means that the cohort of patients living with this disease across Europe is increasing.

Improved, tailored commissioning for NEN services is needed to ease the burden on national healthcare systems and chiefly to provide better care for patients living with this condition.

Full paper available here : White et al (2022) Incidence and survival of neuroendocrine neoplasia in England 1995–2018: A retrospective, population-based study. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Volume 23, December 2022, 100510:

This work was supported by a grant from Neuroendocrine Cancer UK