Natter Matters

Sep 21, 2020

Due to impact of COVID19 pandemic 2020, there have been restrictions on social gatherings – to maintain ongoing support through our groups, we have been, and will continue, to hold our Natter Groups through zoom*, until further notice.

*with zoom you can join online – through pc, laptop, tablet or smartphone – or by phone . . .yes even landline.

Find out more about our Natters – and how to join here.

Our ‘Natter’ Support Groups are local community based or regional online meetings that offer an opportunity to meet others in your area, who are also affected by Neuroendocrine Cancer; you, your family, friends and supporters.

“Because there’s nothing more comforting than someone who actually gets it. Really gets it”.

Our groups are facilitated by a fellow patient, NCUK staff or ambassador, Neuroendocrine Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist and / or local volunteer.

In accordance with NCUK’s guidance – each group agrees its own format and frequency –  and is run as informally or formally as group members agree.

All group members have free access to all NCUK resources and support services

“This group is so friendly and so genuinely caring that people are prepared to talk openly about things they may not have said to anyone else . . .  and I just think that’s a wonderful atmosphere that’s produced here in the group.”

“The education side, the ongoing updating of good information. That’s really important it gives you a better understanding . . .my team is brilliant, but the clinic is so busy, you’re very aware of time . . . at the group you can ask questions, talk things through a bit more at your own pace . . .”

“It gives you the control back  . . . that’s one thing you lose when you’re diagnosed.

You try and get back the self confidence you lose, you think ‘I’m sick’ then you get into a group like this and you start to gain a bit of self-management back”

To receive the link or phone number to join a Natter group – visit our Natter Calendar here – there a few meetings still to add and these will be updated within the next week or 2.

So – find the group you’d like to join and click on ‘View Details ‘ – and you will be able to self-register.

If you are unsure how to join – or would rather join by phone – contact Nikie by email : or through our freephone number 0800 434 6476.

If you cannot find a group near you – you can join the one nearest to you . . . as no travel required.

Once we restart Face to face meetings we will continue with the regional zoom Natters – and can base any new groups where people are. 

Joining a support group for the first time can be a bit nerve-wrecking, you may not know what to expect or be worried about being asked to share personal issues with people you don’t know. – please don’t be worried – the groups are welcoming – and do not expect you to reveal anything you’re not comfortable with – it really is a very informal chat with others going through similar experiences – you can speak to Nikie ahead of time by calling the helpline number

You may find it helpful at the start to simply listen – if you feel comfortable to share your own ideas and experiences please do – but you should never feel coerced or uncomfortable.

Please note : confidentiality and respect for each other’s privacy and time to talk or just listen, is an absolute requirement of attendance and continued participation.

If  you have joined a group and it doesn’t feel like a good fit for you, consider joining a different group or a different group format e.g. join us online in one of Facebook groups.

If you don’t think a face-to-face support group is appropriate for you, but need support in coping with your condition or situation, you can talk to your specialist team or us about counselling or other types of help that may be available.

Supporting You :

It’s been an unusual 6 months – but we are still here to help, in whatever way we can – to keep our community connected and support you.

Keep safe and well

Nikie and the NCUK team.