Supporting the

Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Neuroendocrine Cancer Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Oct 10, 2022


On World Mental Health Day, Rareminds and Neuroendocrine Cancer UK (NCUK) launched a campaign to highlight the need for greater understanding of the psychosocial and emotional impact faced by Neuroendocrine Cancer (NC) patients and carers compared with the ‘common’ cancer population, and to address the additional psychological challenges which come with such a diagnosis.

We have produced an ‘Open Conversations: Neuroendocrine Cancer and Mental Health report’ to raise awareness of these issues and encourage everyone, in particular Healthcare Professionals (HCPs), to have more ‘open’ conversations with their patients about their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Our aim is to:

  • Recognise that the psychological burden of Neuroendocrine Cancer as a lived with incurable cancer is high.
  • Encourage more open conversations between patients and HCPs, reinforcing the value of a good relationships.
  • Raise Awareness of the emotional challenges & additional burdens that Neuroendocrine Cancer patients face.
  • Provide Support and useful and immediate advice and support for patients and healthcare professionals.


SELECT HERE to learn more about the campaign

SELECT HERE to read the Open Conversations Report




Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay and we ask you to #OpenConversations because #NeuroEndocrineCancer is #NotJustNECancer and this is #NotJustNEConversation

For mental health support, information and to learn about the campaign, click here –

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