Neuroendocrine Cancer Patient Specialist Centre Survey Involvement: Shaping Care for the Future 

May 31, 2019


The NET Patient Foundation is working with Quality Health and ENETs to pilot a new NET patient experience questionnaire – one that will play a role in the future assessment and improvement of NET services, not only here in the UK but also across Europe and beyond!

The purpose of the questionnaire is to provide information which can help ENETS monitor and improve the future quality of health services and social care for people with Neuroendocrine Cancer who present at Specialist NET Centres.

The questionnaire is about the care and treatment you have received at a Specialist Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) Centre – so please only patients comment on any care and/or treatment you have received at the Centre – not local hospital or clinic unless this happens to be a Centre. A list of all Centres can be found on the ENETs website.

We, at the NPF, firmly believe that patient involvement, in service review and assessment, is vital in order to shape NET services appropriately to match NET patient need. Your responses are therefore invaluable in helping ENETs, not only to develop and refine the questionnaire, but also gain an insight into your experiences. Your answers to, as well as about, the questionnaire will be gathered into a GDPR compliant dataset that may be used for this purpose.

Taking part in this survey is entirely voluntary and any personal details will be protected – confidentiality maintained.

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