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Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Rarecan Seeks Your Input on Genetic Analysis Services

Apr 10, 2024


Rarecan, in collaboration with its partners, is exploring the potential for offering genetic analysis services to aid in cancer treatment decisions and clinical trial eligibility.

Advancements in technology have made genetic analysis of tumors increasingly useful and accessible. This analysis can provide valuable insights into treatment options and help identify appropriate clinical trials.

While some patients may receive genetic testing of their tumour as part of routine care by the NHS, many do not. Recognising this gap in access, Rarecan is considering launching a service to allow patients to arrange for their tumour to be genetically sequenced. This service, while striving to be as affordable as possible, will be offered as a paid-for option.

Rarecan is seeking input from patients and stakeholders to assess the need for this service and its feasibility ahead of a potential pilot in May. Your opinion matters – please take a few moments to complete the survey linked below.


In addition to exploring genetic analysis services, Rarecan continues its commitment to simplifying access to clinical trials for its members. The dedicated team at Rarecan, led by Debbie and Lindsay, has screened over 100 members for clinical trial opportunities. If you have not yet been screened, we invite you to book a phone call with Debbie or Lindsay. Following the call, you will receive a report showing your trial eligibility to share with your medical team at your next appointment.

Please note: If you are currently in remission, there’s no need to schedule a call, as you won’t be eligible for a trial.

Select here to be added to the screening call list