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Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Lungs

Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Lungs

Neuroendocrine cells are present throughout the respiratory tract (lungs) as part of the normal anatomy. Neuroendocrine Lung cancers account for up to 20% of all lung cancers. There are 4 main classifications : Typical Carcinoid Atypical Carcinoid Large Cell...
Less common Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer Symptoms

Less common Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer Symptoms

NOT JUST NE CANCER SERIES: Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer Symptoms. Less common symptoms include: Finger clubbing Haemoptysis – coughing up blood Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or pain when swallowing An ache or pain when breathing or coughing A hoarse voice...
Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer – Common Symptoms

Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer – Common Symptoms

NOT JUST NE CANCER SERIES: Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer Symptoms. Common symptoms include: A cough that doesn’t go away after 2 or 3 weeks – that gets worse – with that phlegm MAY contain blood Chest infections that keep coming back Wheeze and/or asthma...