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Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Carcinoid Crisis

Carcinoid Crisis

Carcinoid Crisis is rare, but if it happens, those most at risk are people who already have Carcinoid Syndrome, however, it may also occur in patients without prior history of carcinoid syndrome. It can occur spontaneously (without obvious cause) but is most...
Breast self-examination

Breast self-examination

Self-examination as well as taking up breast screening opportunities can be life-saving – for all genders. Your current surveillance scans may not be quite the right type of test to pick up all changes for all conditions, as not all scans are the same and many...
Just Diagnosed, we’re here for you

Just Diagnosed, we’re here for you

We cannot tell you that we know how you feel right now or how you may feel as time goes by… The main thing to try and remember at this stage is that you really aren’t alone. It’s easy to feel isolated when you find out you have an uncommon condition, but getting the...
How is secondary Neuroendocrine Cancer treated?

How is secondary Neuroendocrine Cancer treated?

As with more common cancers, the earlier in the development of a primary cancer it is diagnosed, the higher the possibility of cure is. For Secondary Neuroendocrine Cancer there is no cure – HOWEVER, this does not necessarily make this a terminal diagnosis. No...

Testicular Neuroendocrine Cancer

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness month – Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Testes accounts for less than 1% of all testicular tumours. Diagnosis of Neuroendocrine Cancer of the Testes usually occurs following surgery or biopsy. Carcinoid Syndrome is a very rare...