UKI NETS 21st Annual Conference 2023 – Registration Open

Jul 18, 2023

UKI NETS 21st Annual Conference 2023 – Sheffield City Hall

The UKI NETS 21st Annual conference will be held in person at Sheffield City Hall. We continue to support our NET community and to promote collaborations, education and advancement of practice in the field of neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs).

This year expect a day of exciting content and the chance to hear from fellow clinicians, scientists, nurses and allied health care workers involved in the care and treatment of patients with NENs. This is the leading NET conference in the UK & Ireland; join us to connect with colleagues and peers for a valuable programme rich with presentations from NET experts, panel discussions and a new debate session focussed on liver transplant as an option for patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms.


At present, in its current format, this conference is for HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS only

Registration for UKI NETS 21st Annual Conference is now open. Click to Register