RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT MARCH 2021 – CLINICAL TRIALS IN NEUROENDOCRINE CANCER. Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research is a very welcome and increasingly frequent requirement due to the potential benefits in the design of participant and researcher relevant,...
Neuroendocrine Cancer is often small, starting out the size of a grain of sand. Often it is not visible to the most accurate scans until it gets to about half a centimetre across or the size of a pea. It can occur in various parts of your body and spread to different...
22nd March 14:00 (GMT) | 15:00 (CET) | 09:00 (EST) – NCRI-ICRP: Addressing disparities in international cancer research Event This session, jointly organised with...
Using an integrated approach combining data generated through the use of different, advanced molecular tools, we have previously demonstrated that neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are highly epigenetically dysregulated and have...