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Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Pamela L. Kunz, MD, on Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Pamela L. Kunz, MD, on Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

ASCO News on CapTem chemotherapy trial Associate Professor Pamela L. Kunz*, MD, of the Yale University School of Medicine, discusses new findings from the ECOG-ACRIN E2211 trial ( Identifier: NCT01824875): Temozolomide With or Without Capecitabine in...
Neuroendocrine Cancer UK Ambassador, Simon

Neuroendocrine Cancer UK Ambassador, Simon

Please join us in welcoming our newest Ambassador, Simon to the team 🦋 Simon is 38, husband to Amy and father to three girls. Previously a Senior Vice Principal in secondary education. Here’s Simon’s story: 💬 I was diagnosed in October 2018 (aged 35)...