by Clare Gerrard | Sep 18, 2023
Bevere et al (2023) An Overview of Circulating Biomarkers in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Clinical Guide. Diagnostics 2023, 13, 2820. This article reviews the challenges associated with diagnosing and managing neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), a diverse group of...
by Leanne Talbot | Aug 5, 2021
We cannot tell you that we know how you feel right now or how you may feel as time goes by… The main thing to try and remember at this stage is that you really aren’t alone. It’s easy to feel isolated when you find out you have an uncommon condition, but getting the...
by Leanne Talbot | Apr 27, 2021
20% of our Neuroendocrine Cancer community has a Lung primary. Lung NET and NEC can cause no, or lots of symptoms. Some may be similar – but many are different – to those experienced by people with a gut-based or other primary site. And reactions to SSAs...
by Leanne Talbot | Apr 20, 2021
Please join us in welcoming our newest Ambassador, Simon to the team 🦋 Simon is 38, husband to Amy and father to three girls. Previously a Senior Vice Principal in secondary education. Here’s Simon’s story: 💬 I was diagnosed in October 2018 (aged 35)...