Supporting the

Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

Neuroendocrine Cancer Symptoms

Neuroendocrine Cancer Symptoms

As part of our 2022 ‘Not just NE Cancer’ Virtual Series, each month we will be sharing with you videos, podcasts and information on various topics from the first Neuroendocrine Cancer symptoms right through the patient pathway. We will hear from people...
NHS Cancer Quality of Life Survey Launch

NHS Cancer Quality of Life Survey Launch

Monday 25th October saw the launch of the NHS Cancer Quality of Life Survey data dashboard. The survey is for people in England who have been diagnosed with cancer. From 2020, people who have had a breast, prostate or colorectal (bowel) cancer diagnosis are being...
Neuroendocrine Cancer patient experience survey

Neuroendocrine Cancer patient experience survey

All Neuroendocrine Cancer patients globally are invited to share their experiences and perspectives on how treatment decisions have been modified during the COVID-19 pandemic for them via a specially designed survey. The survey is available in English, French, Italian...


NET CONNECT is a group of both established and next-generation international experts in the field of neuroendocrine tumours (NET). The Steering Committee and Members aim to collaborate in scientific activities, share best practices and discuss the latest scientific...