Supporting the

Neuroendocrine Cancer Community

NCUK Helpline and Advice

NCUK Helpline and Advice

Our dedicated Neuroendocrine Cancer helpline is a free and confidential service that provides Neuroendocrine Cancer Information and Support: OPEN: TUESDAY – THURSDAY : 10:00am – 4:00pm : 0800 434 6476 Please note if calling within these hours and you get through...
PLANETs Travel Insurance Survey

PLANETs Travel Insurance Survey

Problems obtaining travel insurance for people living with cancer: 4-minute Survey for Cancer patients. Please complete by Friday 22nd September 2023 PLANETS Cancer Charity (alongside Cancer52) would like to invite you to take this survey about your experience as a...
The Big Cancer52 Conversation

The Big Cancer52 Conversation

The Big Cancer52 Conversation on Wednesday 14th June brought together leaders from the charity, healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors, to share best practices, exchange ideas and explore collaborations, with the ultimate aim of improving outcomes for people with rare...
Review of Carcinoid Syndrome

Review of Carcinoid Syndrome

Review of Carcinoid Syndrome: what is is and how it is treated by Joel George et al (Hampshire Hospitals and Kings Healthcare Partners ENETs Centre of Excellence) Online Publication Date: 19 Jun 2023 Neuroendocrine Cancers (aka neuroendocrine neoplasms or NENs) may...